Monday, August 13, 2007

Best purchase for a deployment

There is practically an infinite amount of stuff that you can buy when you are deployed. Ballistic glasses, arm/knee pads, pouches for your body armor, neat little tools, etc etc. But the best purchase I made BY FAR was lasik surgery.

During my first deployment I had to juggle ballistic glasses with indoor glasses. Occasionally I put in contacts, but those aren't exactly compatible with a desert environment. Now I can see clearly w/o having to worry about going blind if my glasses get knocked off. Best of all, this is a permanent improvement!

I got my LASIK done at the Cedars-Sinai eye center by Dr Rabinowitz. I paid a bit more, but I wasn't looking for bargains. (Why would anyone look to save money on an eye operation???) . So, while it wasn't inexpensive, they did give a military discount. At any rate, being able to see clearly is a fantastic boon at any time.

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